Our Solution

After extensive research, data compiling and dog nutrition study, there is an alternative practice that provides a healthy life for cystinuric dogs.

Firstly, it is important to understand a few things about food, whether for humans or dogs.
All food contains aminoacids, some more and some less.
The quantity of each single aminoacid varies according to each item of food.

  • 100g of egg   = 0.272g of Cystine and 0.380g of Methionine
  • 100g of apple = 0.001g of Cystine and 0.001g of Methionine
Secondly, all meat is not the same, so depending on what part of an animal you eat the amounts of Cystine and Methionine are going to be different. 

  • 100g of beef spleen   = 0.730g of Cystine and 0.460g of Methionine
  • 100g of beef flank     = 0.180g of Cystine and 0.440g of Methionine
(Now spleen might not be Your favored food but most dog foods contains such animal parts as well as other parts that are mentioned as "meal" or "parts".)
So, Cystine intake can be controlled, all you need to know is how and this is where things get tricky as humans may be omnivores but canines are not, this means that our dogs are limited to the foods that they are able to consume.
Due to this, dog food must be balanced, this means that our dogs must ingest certain amounts of certain foods and nutrients daily. 

This is where we started a long journey into the world of Cystine and Methionine and what is now a resulting diet that is functional, healthy and nutritional. 

Uric acid is also an issue as it works as a catalyst to Cystine stone formation, therefor pH levels need to be under control. 

Kidney and bladder support is also important and there are various ingredients that make their function healthy and infection free.

Having excluded high risk ingredients and discovering those that are "cystinuric friendly" we built up 4 diets that are to this day are showing amazing results.
3 recipes for cycle feeding (alternating) and 1 for neutered dogs.

All diets are cooked in bulk and frozen for a 31 day feed.
To ensure maximum results and optimum nutritional value as well as urinary and pH protection we add Thorium to the diet making it a powerful anti-Cystinuria meal. 

The diets have been implemented on cystinuric dogs and they are living stone free, healthy and most important... happy.

We are now sharing our diet plan with the world.   


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