Industry Solution

Having analyzed the makeup of "clinical" diets and cystinuria treatment medication that is prescribed by the vet society, it is clear that our dogs are not receiving a healthy treatment at all, and many dogs suffering  from cystinuria are going through life with malnutrition and severe side effects, some including death. This is not a healthy solution !
Your vet will immediately suggest the your dog is placed on a clinical diet for life and supported with medication, again for life. 

Vets will prescribe a low protein diet that is usually very expensive and is of low nutritional value (the later is not mentioned) that will help with your dog's cystinuria.
Medication is also prescribed with prices that can range from 28 euros to 350 per month.

At this point it is important to mention that vets are not trained in dog nutrition while receiving their veterinarian training, all they receive is a 2 hour course (at best) in nutritional needs as they are provided by dog food companies that support this part of vet training.

They few (and rare) vets that take up a study of animal feeding are close to none and one may consider them self lucky to of found one. Such vets are also trained animal nutritionists.

The dog food industry works very close to vets to ensure that their produces find there way to your dog's bowl and your money in their pockets.
Specialized foods, dry or canned, are being produced to "help" pet owners life's by making the "right choice" for their pet's feeding needs, while making feeding an easy and fast task. 

Clinical foods have made the industry millions as more and more pets worldwide are becoming more and more pron to illness.

For cystinuria, the industry came up with the following: 

<<If an entire day's meal supplied 5000mg of Cystine to a dog, only 20% of that is absorbed, this means that 1000mg would be absorbed  and 4000mg would find its way to the bladder and lead to stone formation.

Now lets cut this by half and do the math again.

You now feed your dog an entire day's meal supplying 2500mg of Cystine where only 1000mg will be absorbed again leaving 1500mg to find its way to the bladder.

The amount of Cystine has gone from 4000mg to only 1500mg in the urine which means less crystal formation and in turn less  stone formation.

The problem of purine though is still present, so lets create a "clinical food" that is based on rice, corn and other low purine materials.
Combine this idea with some pH regulators for a more alkaline urine environment and you now have a "clinical diet" that will prevent stone formation.>>

This is what pet food companies have come up with and the result is a high priced "special product" that will help (di)solve Cystinuria. Don't forget the meds !    


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